"Engagement Retainer":
1st Consultant Recruiters Operates on what's called a "engagement" retained search basis. This is where the client company pays a small retainer and the balance of the fee is due when the search is completed. The small up-front retainer covers the cost of search expenses ( i.e., telephone, clerical, computer, internet and researcher time). This allows us to perform a thorough search of the market for the best available people because we are getting paid to do the work. This "engagement" retained method also leaves adequate incentive for 1st Consultant Recruiters to find the right candidate. We prefer to work on this premise as it affords maximum incentive for the recruiter, therefore the client gets the best possible service.
Compare 1st Consultant Recruiter method with the other two search methods:
Full Retainer;
The search firm requires one-third of the estimated fee as an up-front retainer, with the remaining two thirds usually paid at thirty (30) day intervals during the search. Under the method, contractually the search firm is paid the full fee, even if they are unsuccessful in finding the candidate or if the search is cancelled for any reason.
The search firm does not require any retainer to start the search. What typically happens under this method is that the search firm scans their database for a resume that may match the clients needs and may in some cases do some actual direct search work. Usually if there is no match after a week or two they discontinue work on your search and move on to another search where they may be more successful. The reason why this happen is because they have not been paid any money to do the search. Also, if they do find a match they typically do not do extensive reference checking on the candidates
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